Friday, 21 September 2012

My Summer, In a Nutshell

So as you can see I haven't exactly been that active on here over the summer, so I suppose I should offer some sort of explanation. I can put this mainly down to working ridiculous amounts of overtime other than my regular weekend shift, and being otherwise generally lazy. Butttt, I did go on 2 pretty awesome holidays too :)

My boyfriend's sister got married in August on the beautiful Greek island of Rhodes, in a tiny little chapel at St Paul's Bay. It was absolutely gorgeous (although I think I lost a good percentage of my body weight through sweating), and everyone who attended had a fabulous day. I had the honour of doing a reading during the ceremony and also being the witness and signing the wedding register.
The reception was held in a 5 star hotel up the coast which we reached by boat. The food was amazing, feta with sesame seeds to start, followed by slow roasted lamb and strawberry panacotta.  Of course I couldn't quite resist when the veil was doing the rounds...

To top things off, on the way home everyone got a free bottle of champers and a box of Thorntons. What more could a girl ask for?
(FYI, drinking a bottle of champagne to yourself at high altitudes results in considerably tipsiness).
And then we saw Alice Cooper, looking rather worse for wear, on our way out of Birmingham airport. Cool right?

Holiday number 2 has considerably less photos, but was amazing none the less. I flew out alone to Palma airport due to work, and met my family over there, in a quirky little 3 bedroom townhouse in Palmanova, Majorca. It was lovely but very odd, it kinda felt like I had pushed the owners out of their house for a week, as it was full of personal portraits and family heirlooms. It was charming, to say the least.

By far my favourite day of the whole holiday was the day trip to Palma. Not only is it a breathtakingly beautiful city, with the old castle and traditional architecture, there is just something about it that feel so... chic. The shopping was fantastic to start with. It holds the best Zara store I have ever been in. Not the biggest, but I felt the clothes were a lot more luxe and just generally nicer than in the stores in the UK. Everything about it was just so pretty, I didn't even care about the Louis Vitton staff giving me the "you can't afford anything in here" stare. We also visited the market, which was full of the bright colours and hustle and bustle that I've come to expect of these foreign food markets. You just don't get that kind of enthusiasm about food in the UK. The fruit and vegetables are all too uniform in shape and drab in colour. My local market boasts about 5 customers a day and smells like dog food. It's just not the same.

Another highlight of the trip (well, sort of) was the ridiculous thunderstorm we had the day before we left. One minute it was 30 degrees plus, everyone sunbathing topless on the beach, the next minute thunder was rattling the building and I couldn't see two meters out of the window because the rain was coming down so hard. It was very shocking and kinda exciting. And I was just really glad to be indoors once I saw a group of girls scurrying past absolutely drenched to the skin. But then, a huge rainbow erupted and there was calm :)


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