Tuesday, 25 September 2012

So I did a little shopping...

So my student loan came in, and much to the dismay of the government and my parents, instead of spending it on books and stationary (which I've already bought) I decided to spend it on clothes. Whatever, I need to look good to go to uni, right? Here's what I bought:
H&M, £19.99
River Island, £40 (these actually look SO much nicer without the tops rolled down!)

Topshop, £45
I also got looooads of lovely soft knitwear from Primark but unfortunately they don't have a website so I can't show you :( but these were the main bulk of my trip and I absolutely LOVE them all. Can't wait for it to get a bit colder so I can start layering up and getting cosy in my new knitwear!
Thanks guys! :D


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